Looking for a Thanksgiving activity for your Center or Station that aligns with your curriculum? Thanksgiving Short Vowel Words printables may be just what you’re looking for!

Thanksgiving Short Vowel Words Printables l Thanksgiving Short Vowel Words printables contains 38 mats for your students to build short vowel words. Students can build words to match pictures on the mats in two ways. First, they use the feathers and complete the turkey. Then they use letter tiles in the space provided. Also included are 2 response sheets and 6 practice pages.
Thanksgiving Short Vowel Words Printables
Thanksgiving Short Vowel Words printables contains 38 mats for your students to build short vowel words. Students can build words to match pictures on the mats in two ways. First, they use the feathers and complete the turkey. Then they use letter tiles in the space provided. (LETTER TILES NOT PROVIDED) If you don’t own letter tiles, they can be purchased at Amazon.com.
Click here to see letter tiles at Amazon. I’m not an affiliate. These are similar to the ones I use. I think I bought mine at Walmart YEARS ago. They also have a letters organizer. How handy is that?!? If you’re going to use them with your students, I recommend it. Again, I bought mine at Walmart years ago. I also labeled each section of mine with cut down file folder tabs and a Sharpie. I just stuck them to the back of each section. Putting the letters away after using them is a great organic activity for practicing letter order, sorting and letter identification.
Two forms of Student Response sheets are provided. The teacher has the choice of how the students use the resource: as a whole, or broken into smaller sets. Students record their answers on the Student Response Sheet. More advanced students may be equipped to deal with all 38 mats, or students could be assigned all 38 over several days. Less advanced, or organized students, may need them broken down into smaller sets, so the Student Response Sheet for 10 words may be appropriate.
The mats can be used as a one-on-one or small group instructional tool for students that are struggling with the concept of short vowel words. The building of the short vowel word can be modeled with the letter tiles and then written on the laminated mat with an erasable marker. The student then uses that aid to build their own word on the turkey and write their word on their response sheet. *Tip: Make sure the marker is erasable and remove it as soon as possible. Sometimes even erasable markers left on too long will not come off. I have removed marker like that and even permanent marker from plastic with Expo cleaner. 😉
6 additional practice pages are also included.
* 1 students choose the correct word
* 1 students unscramble the letters to form a word
* 4 students write the word to match the picture
Click to purchase Thanksgiving Short Vowel Words Printables
Thanksgiving Follower Freebie
I was looking for this Thanksgiving Follower Freebie and I couldn’t find it on the blog, so I just decided to post it again. So if you don’t already have it from last year, pop over and download it. It’s a really cute Thanksgiving writing activity. It has the writing prompt “I am thankful for …” and 3 different types of paper to choose from. No lines for those who need to draw, wide lines and narrow lines.
If you’ve noticed that I haven’t been doing the Follower Freebies this year like I did last year, well there’s a reason for that. At TpT you’re rated even on the Freebies. I received a really low rating for a Freebie because it was only a couple of pages. That really hurt.
Download Thanksgiving Follower Freebie
Need More Resources?
Pumpkin Patch Short Vowel Word Families
Follower Freebie: Something to Crow About Addition
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Hoping you’ll hear from me again before Thanksgiving, but if not Happy Turkey Day!
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