For those of you haven't heard yet, I'm headed back to the classroom in Aug! I'm going to be teaching a little girl who loves bugs! So I created Creepy Crawly Bugs Learning Activities. I can't wait to see how she likes them! Creepy Crawly Counting Sets 0 - 10 The Counting Clips cards were ...
FREE January Follower Freebie Rhyming & 10 More/10 Less Pages
FREE January Follower Freebie Pages: Rhyming Words & 10 More/ 10 Less As usual, these pages will only be available for a very short time! So get them now. One page for students to color pairs of mittens if they contain rhyming words. The second page has students mentally add or subtract 10 ...
Follower Freebie: Light the Tree Missing Numbers
December Follower Freebie, Light the Tree, Fill in the Missing Numbers ... one day early!! 2 versions of this page for students to fill in the missing numbers: pg 1 - numbers 18 - 50 pg 2 - numbers 18 - 100 Can be used with a number chart if assistance is needed or as an assessment to ...
I Am Thankful For … Follower Freebie
Teachers across the US are gearing up to mesh their instruction with the celebration of Thanksgiving the last Thursday of the month. Many teachers even incorporate teaching social skills and promote appreciation and gratitude by focusing on what you have instead of what you haven't, being kind, ...
Fire Safety Student Response Stick and Pocketchart Sorting Activity
October is Fire Safety month and I barely pulled off getting this activity completed before the month of October was over! :) But here it is! A Fire Safety Response Stick and Pocketchart Sorting Activity. With this Response Stick, you can quickly tell who, and how much, of your class understands ...