For those of you haven’t heard yet, I’m headed back to the classroom in Aug! I’m going to be teaching a little girl who loves bugs! So I created Creepy Crawly Bugs Learning Activities. I can’t wait to see how she likes them!
Creepy Crawly Counting Sets 0 – 10
The Counting Clips cards were created to be used with clothespins. Great for this counting activity, but also great for working on fine motor skills (pincer grip). Count the number of creepy crawlies on each card and clip a clothespin underneath the correct number. If you train your students to clip the clothespin under the number instead of on the number, you won’t have to remove the clothespin to check for accuracy. You can simply glance at it and keep moving. The student can then again work on those fine motor skills and remove the clothespin themselves after you’ve checked.
I created these large sized Counting Mats to go along with plastic creepy crawlies that I purchased at Amazon. The creepy crawlies are large, so a large mat was needed. Students count the correct number of creepy crawlies onto the mat to match the number on the jar lid. I even included a blank jar so that if you wanted, you could just print that jar multiple times (or once) and just change the number at the top … for instance, using a magnetic number or number tile for the number.
Get the Creepy Crawly Bugs here:
~ 144 ~ Assorted Realistic Insects / Bugs by Rhode Island Novelty
$13.51 Prime
Also, included are 4 follow up activity sheets to use for practice or for assessment.
1 page counting sets 0 -5 (circle the answer)
1 page counting sets 0 -5 (write the answer)
1 page counting sets 0 -10 (circle the answer)
1 page counting sets 0 -10 (write the answer)
Purchase Creepy Crawly Counting 0 – 10 HERE
Follower Freebie
Get this Creepy Crawly Counting Follower Freebie for a limited time! 2 of 4 follow up pages for a Creepy Crawly Counting set. If you like these pages, take a peek at the rest of the set. (Creepy Crawly Counting Clips and Mats 0 – 10 Printables Plus Follow Up Pages)
Download Follower Freebie HERE
Creepy Crawly Books and Activities
I’ve spent a couple of weeks or more digging through my teaching boxes (thank goodness I didn’t get rid of all my stuff!) pulling resources to use with my new student. I’ve also purchased some new materials to go along with what I have. I’ll add activities and resources here as I go since I don’t have the time to get them all posted here in the limited time I have now. So keep a watch here for more Creepy Crawly Bug activities and ideas!
I found several books that I can use. They will be great for working on focus, oral comprehension, vocabulary and academic skills.
Waiting for Wings – Lois Ehlert – after we read this book we’re going to make a butterfly. (picture soon)
Jack’s Garden – Henry Cole
The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Eric Carle – I haven’t even scratched the surface with this book yet, but we’ll work on days of the week and sequencing.
The Grouchy Ladybug – Eric Carle – same as above .. haven’t even opened my box for this book yet.
The Quiet Cricket – Eric Carle
The Very Busy Spider – Eric Carle – you can find this video on
Good Night, Sweet Butterfly – color words
Bugs A to Z – Caroline Lawton – identifying capital letters
A Look at Spiders – Jerald Halpern
Spiders Are Special Animals – Fred and Jeanne Biddulph – this is a great Sunshine Science Book
There’s also the song The Ants Go Marching One by One. (video on youtube)
I also found a rubber stamp kit that I can let her use to stamp bugs to match a number. I even bought some stamps from Since I made her a sticker book, the stamps can also be used in her sticker book in place of stickers if she chooses. I purchased a lot of buggy stickers to use for positive reinforcement. I made her a sticker book using wirebound 4 x 6 index cards and made her a customized buggy label for the front with her picture and name.
I found this cute, free game on TpT!
Download this FREE Memory Match that I made. Get it quick! May not be there for long!
FREE Creepy Crawly Bugs Memory Match. Perfect for use in a Bugs, Science or Spring Unit.
Fun, chubby Creepy Crawly Bugs cards just right for young learners to use while improving their memory skills.
Print two sets on cardstock, laminate, cut out and you’re ready to play!
10 cards + label
Download Creepy Crawly Bugs Memory Match HERE
That will do for now, until I can get some more things added. I’ve got so much to do before school starts in a couple of weeks!
Other than the weather, I keep thinking I’m already starting to get those fall feelings! 😀
Come on fall weather! I’m waiting on you!
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WOW! I love what you’ve done! Your enthusiasm is very evident, and I’m so thrilled you’ll be blessing this child with your gift of teaching!
As always, thanks for the feedback, Michelle.