Do you have a guy that’s not crazy about cookies? Well, I have two of them. One is 3 and the other is … well, older. 🙂 And it just so happened that Dakota and I stumbled onto a cookie recipe this past weekend that we adapted into what I’m calling Male Approved Chocolate Chip Cookies. And the reason for that is because I saw her 3 year old brother gobble up two whole cookies. I’ve never seen him do more than lick a little icing off other cookies. And her Pop Pop has almost eaten the rest of the batch himself, and he’s normally not a homemade cookie eater. So this cookie recipe is definitely male approved. Dakota also gave it her approval as well, since she gobbled up several cookies straight out of the oven, too. As for me, someone who loves sweets, I’m not a chocolate chip cookie eater … unless it’s Chips Ahoy (it’s that texture thing again). So if you want to try out a new chocolate chip cookie recipe, give this one a try. It’s easy enough for a 9 year old. Dakota made these.
I had to hurry and get this post online before Chris ate all the cookies. I just thought I was going to have cookies to go in the freezer. By the way, if you need tips for freezing cookies or candy look here.
These are not the most beautiful chocolate chip cookies, but the guys sure did think they were good!
Male Approved Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 C shortening
1 C sugar
1/2 C packed light brown sugar
1 t vanilla
2 eggs
2 C flour
1 t baking soda
1 1/2 C chocolate chips
1/2 C chocolate chunks
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cream shortening, sugars, and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add eggs and beat well. Combine flour and baking soda; add to sugar mixture. Stir in chocolate. Use small scoop to drop onto cookie sheet sprayed with Pam. Bake for 12 min or until light brown. Cool before removing.
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Happy Baking!
I loved baking cookies when I was Dakota’s age, too. I remember once ending up with too many chocolate chips in the bottom of the mixing bowl. I threw them out into the woods. I was afraid if they were seen in the garbage can I’d get in trouble for wasting them!
I don’t recall having male family members who shunned cookies, though. And, of course, we all loved the cookie dough!!!
The recipe you shared looks similar to the one we used when I was growing up. As a more health-conscience adult who still loves sweets, I’d like to experiment with a variation, though: substitute coconut oil for the shortening. (Or possibly use a combination of coconut oil and butter.) I’ll have to bring some to your house to see if they qualify for the “male-approvef” category, though!!! Thanks for sharing, Cindy!
Michelle, the recipe actually also offered 3/4 C butter as an alternative to the shortening. I let Dakota choose, but I had to first explain to her what shortening was … along with and in relation to butter, oil, coconut oil, etc. And I’m sure Chris would love to give his opinion on your variation on the recipe! ?
I love baking with Dakota and while baking these cookies she told me she wanted my recipes. That means so much to me.
Thanks for the feedback!