This Apple’licious Roll A Number Follower Freebie is in honor of Johnny Appleseed’s birthday, Sept. 26th. I’ve been rolling out apple activities for over a week to help you organize and gather activities for celebrating his birthday, researching apples and a plethora of other apple related things.
Apple’licious Roll A Number
There’s 3 versions of this activity to use with your students to practice counting sets, number identification and color words.
Version 1 – Short and Sweet! Counting Sets and Number Identification 1 – 6 with only 6 apples to color using 6 Basic Color Words. Roll one die, count the dots, find a matching apple with that number and color the apple. Can be used with a Smartboard/Promethean Board with a rolling die, or with a small group, pairs or independently with traditional dice.
Version 2 – Same activity as Version 1, but twice as many apples to color, therefore longer activity.
Version 3 – Same activity as Version 2, using two dice therefore Counting Sets and Number Identification 2 – 12.
Teacher’s choice as to outcome of activity …
first to color all apples is winner
color all apples to complete activity, etc.
If you like this activity, don’t miss out on monthly Follower Freebies that are available for a limited time only to blog, fb and TpT followers. You can join the blog Email List to be sure and never miss out. You can join the Email List at the top of the page. Make sure you check either TEACHER or SEND SCHOOL RELATED EMAILS ONLY. (TEACHER gets blog updates plus Teacher related info. SCHOOL RELATED ONLY gets only teacher stuff.)
A Bushel of Other Apple and Apple’licious Resources
Apple’licious Activities: Parts of an Apple & Color Words
Apple’licious Activities! Initial Sounds!
Apple Pickin’ Time at The Virtual Vine
Hey everyone…
Hey, Stephanie. Glad you found your way here. 🙂