Little Boy Handcrafted Card
May you search for dragonflies and stars and grow up in a world with people who love and care for you to infinity and beyond ~
I used this template to create this Little Boy card for a baby shower. Taking photos of the cards you make really shows up your every mistake. This is the second version of this card. 🙂 After the first photo session, I noticed that my pencil marks were visible and I didn’t really like the 3 different patterns of the paper I’d used. (using paper I already have) So I reworked the card and now in this photo I realize that I turned the holes on the buttons different ways. Uggh!!
Learn from your mistakes. I’ll know to watch this next time.
I also tried to get my printer to print a white W on the pocket, but it just would not cooperate.
Be creative … just try it.
You do beautiful work. 🙂
Thanks, Jenny. Dropped by your blog. I see you have the photography thing down pat. I’m still working on that. 🙂
Oh thanks! I studied photography in high school so that helps so much!
I’ve been trying to learn about SEO and marketing techniques….it’s a lot to process. ?
Yes, there’s a ton of Dos and Don’ts for blogging that I pinned. I was getting so stressed out about it all and then I remembered, oh yeah, I’m just doing this for fun! 😀