I never had any intentions of being a person who would ever scrapbook or make cards. It just wasn’t something that interested me for some reason. My sister even tried to get me interested in digital scrapbooking of photos … with little success.
But then one day, Carol, an online friend who was heavy into cardmaking, talked me into purchasing a paper cutter and some basic supplies. And once those items entered my house, it was like a form of magic took over. I was totally hooked! I loved it.
And it’s not just the creating that’s so magical, and I guess this is the teacher in me, but it’s also all those THINGS you need to create your awesome masterpieces with. You walk into a store, or even visit one online, and you start to tingle from head to toe with giddiness over all the goodness that’s available to you. The only thing holding you back from all that goodness unfortunately is either your husband or your wallet. There are things there you don’t even know you need yet, but if their little sparkly magic catches your eye, you’ll surely find a way to use them. And if you don’t, well, you’ll just add them to your ever growing collection to be surely used in the future. 😉
I now have huge stacks of beautiful crafting paper, special glittery glues called Stickles, tons of embellishments stored in special containers, fancy scissors, hole and craft punches, edgers and die cuts, jars of buttons, spools of ribbon, baskets of stamps and towers of ink pads … even an embosser and a digital cutting machine! I just might have an addiction to all this … especially the paper, buttons and ribbons. I seem to never have enough!
And yes, all this loveliness must be stored somewhere so I have a special room of my house to craft in … of course. This is where the magic happens!
the newest addition to the room
Oh, how I loved purchasing all those wonderful things … just as if I were under a spell. And what enjoyment I got from creating those cards. Many afternoons were spent choosing just the right paper, ribbon, buttons and embellishments. Then cutting and folding and gluing … ahh! Just writing this makes me want to get back at it again. A quick creative outlet that you can share with others.
And the magic doesn’t stop with creating the card. Once you give a handcrafted card to someone, that magic continues. Because they can tell you’ve put time and effort into your creation and they’re almost always super impressed with your creativity and talent. A handcrafted card just conveys something that a bought one never can … a little hidden magic.
So here are some of the cards I’ve made. When I first started, I browsed online and used other peoples’ cards for inspiration. I started with simple cards, no instructions. So I hope my cards inspire others as well. You know … share a little magic. 😉
Cards posted from newest to oldest
Part of the magic of this card was that I was able to spend the time with my granddaughter helping her to create it for her friend. She picked out all the paper, did all the cutting, gluing and placing with my help. Quite a feat for a 9 yr old.
Bunco Invite
Not a card, but a bow for Dakota to match her Easter dress in 2011
Made this Valentines Card to match the bags
Wedding Card
I challenged myself to incorporate this graphic from a sympathy card I’d received
This card was inspired by a red, white and blue dress.
I helped Dakota make this for her daycare teacher in 2010. She was 3 years old. 🙂
covered box
Note card Set – the first thing I ever made … and I was hooked! 🙂
Well, I hope you’re feeling inspired to purchase your own supplies now to feel some of that magic yourself. Start simple and let your creativity flow … you’ll love it and before you know it you’ll feel all those tingles, too. 🙂
Beautiful work! I’ve made some cards from my photos, but nothing as elaborate as yours. 🙂
Thanks! I can’t wait to add to the collection. Was just looking at some of your photographs and they are gorgeous!
Thank you, very kind of you.