Thanksgiving is a time for gathering and giving thanks for all our blessings. One of my greatest blessings is my sister, Carol. Carol is 12 years older than me and I guess God knew I was going to need an awesome sister to help take care of me, because that's what He gave me. However, I'm sure she ...
Pinterest Fail or Not?
If you know Pinterest, you gotta love it! But all that sparkles there is not gold! I'm a pin hoarder and for years I only pinned and I didn't actually do anything but organize them. Yeah, I know, but it was my way of destressing and yeah, procrastinating, too. ;) But since I've retired, I've ...
Vintage and Burlap Bunco
8.16.2015 (one month earlier)Right now I'm all invested in preparing to host Bunco at the end of this month. I love planning for this. It's something that I can take my time to prepare for and the ideas develop slowly. I normally have a theme, but decided to scale it down this year, so no ...