Christmas Yummies If you missed the first merry, merry post, you might want to go back and just read the introduction if nothing else. Because this post will be referring to getting ready for Christmas in 2016 and the first post gives you the background info on ...
Thanksgiving Blessings Post 3
Thanksgiving Day, in and of itself is over, but of course, the food has not all been eaten. Oh no. And according to my nephew, it's not been a proper Thanksgiving if you don't have leftovers. Just letting you know. We've tried that. :) And according to Carol, who's been saying this FOREVER, the ...
So So Good Apple Muffins
what these muffins don't have in beauty, they make up for in taste Oh my yes, these apple muffins are so so good! Ok, they may not be as good as the pumpkin muffins, but we've got to see. They may be almost as close. I've noticed that the longer the muffins stay in my freezer, the better they ...
Yummy Pumpkin Muffins Recipe Revamp
On Oct. 26th, I posted a recipe of sorts for the best pumpkin muffins ever. Well, since then I've been working on the recipe (which was not originally mine) to make it more what I needed. So here's a revamped version ... Yummy Pumpkin Muffins! It started out as a bread. I wanted to use the whole ...
Thanksgiving Blessings Post 2
The second post in the Thanksgiving Blessings series will contain Carol's recipe for her Killer Cinnamon Rolls. Now, I can't remember having these, but from the picture, I want one. As I said in the last post, I won't be there when they're served, so I'll have to see if I can get "someone" to ...