Spring is not in the air, but one look at the cute duckie puddle jumper on Spring Splash Sight Words Bingo and you’ll certainly be longing for some warmer weather.

I used the Fry list to create these cards. The first two Bingo cards are using only the first few words on the list. Those cards can be used for new or struggling learners until they’re ready for more words. The rest of the cards use the rest of the first 100 words.
The kids will yell SPLASH instead of Bingo since this is a Spring Bingo game. I thought we’d change it up a bit. When playing, you can use plastic chips/discs, flower or duck counters (mini erasers), pennies, buttons, etc for game pieces. I even have some of those glass pieces that look like water drops, but I couldn’t find them. To make the duck pieces in the picture, my husband painted some big dried beans using yellow spray paint. Then I used a blue Sharpie to add eyes and an orange Sharpie to add the beak. So easy, cute and cheap! These were done years ago and are still like new. The paint preserves the beans. They have been kept stored in a dry container and away from moisture. (*may not hold up to destructive students)
This is Set 1 of Spring Splash Sight Words Bingo in what I hope will be be a Set of 3 or 4. Set 2 will use the 2nd 100 Fry Words and Set 3 will use the next 100.
To purchase Spring Splash Sight Words Bingo click HERE
After further thought, I decided to go back and create a Set 0 for the Spring Splash Sight Words Bingo using only the first 25 most frequently used sight words. It would be great for new or struggling learners until they’ve mastered those first 25 sight words and then can move on to Set 1.

Purchase Spring Splash Sight Words Bingo Set 0 HERE
More Spring Ideas
I will be adding more ideas to this page all along, so keep checking back. Here are a few I’ve done in the past. Some are waaaay in the past! 😀 But I’m still a part of some teachers’ groups and it’s funny to see that what’s been around for YEARS is still bright, shiny and new to some teachers.

I use to be big into charts and poems. I made most of my charts. This is one I made using a poem shared in a teacher’s group. It was made using cupcake liners for the flowers, border, stickers and a notepad. The leaves I just freehanded on construction paper. I used packing tape to tape it to a clothes hanger to hang them on a pocketchart stand. Later, I got smart and skipped the hanger and started using those hangers that had the clips. However, I still used the packing tape at the top to reinforce the chart. Now everyone uses them. 🙂

Anytime you’re working with 3D parts like this, glue and small children often don’t work well together. It takes too long for it to dry. So tape or staples is usually your friend. I always start out with a square as a base and work up from there. Once you’ve added the petals of the flower, you can glue on the circle in the middle hiding the staples or tape. (I’d suggest staples, but of course with adult assistance.) The stem can be added to the back with glue or tape. It makes an impressive piece if you’re willing.
If you want to dust off this page at The Virtual Vine and take a peek, there may be more Spring ideas you’d like. They’re old, but they just might be new, bright and shiny to you. 🙂
If you like Spring Splash Sight Words Bingo, you might also like these products:
Winter Letters and Sounds Bingo
Apples Letters and Sounds Bingo
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