Rootin’, Tootin’ Cowboy Sentence Strips and Pocketchart Pictures
Rootin’, Tootin’ Cowboy Sentence Strips and Pocketchart Pictures Printables were created to be used in conjunction with the Rootin’, Tootin’ Cowboy Emergent Reader. To use them to their fullest capacity, you will also need to purchase the Rootin’, Tootin’ Cowboy emergent reader. The READER IS NOT INCLUDED with this purchase.
To use the sentence strips and pocketchart pictures, print them on cardstock, laminate and cut out. They’re created to be used in a pocketchart, but can also be used on a table, floor or on a magnetic surface with magnets. Students simply read the sentences in the pocketchart and match the correct picture to the sentence. Students having difficulty with the vocabulary may need to refer to the emergent reader as a resource.
Use the sentence strips and pictures in a pocketchart to teach tracking and fluency for individuals or small groups. They make great activities for Centers/Stations.
To purchase the Rootin’, Tootin’ Cowboy Sentence Strips and Pocketchart Pictures Printables click HERE
To purchase the Rootin’, Tootin’ Cowboy Emergent Reader, Memory Game and Reading Practice Sheets Printables click HERE
If you want more ideas to create, or bulk up, a Cowboy theme, visit my website, The Virtual Vine. I haven’t updated it in years, but there’s a lot of information there and you might find some things you can use. So take a look at this page:
If you’re looking for more school resources, click HERE or click on SCHOOL in the menu at the top of the page.
Apple Pickin’ Time at The Virtual Vine
Fall Is In the Air! at The Virtual Vine
Pumpkins Aplenty, Pumpkin Galore at The Virtual Vine
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